Comment habiller un lit avec un plaid ?

How to dress a bed with a blanket?

of reading - words

To warm up the room and create a cozy atmosphere, using a blanket on your bed is perfect.

Very present in living rooms and in particular on sofas to keep warm in front of a series, they also have their place on a bed.

In addition to warming up your room, the blanket will dress a bed to make it more stylish and welcoming.

Here are the main reasons to use a blanket on your bed to decorate your room and highlight your bed.

Warming up a room with a bedspread

Perfect solution for those who feel the cold, because in addition to giving a cosier atmosphere to the room, the blanket provides an extra layer when you sleep at night or simply when you are in your bed.

With a blanket available on your bed, you will be protected from the winter cold!

fleece blanket

A decorative object to cover a bed

You can also use a blanket to decorate your room. This way, your bed will match the colors of your room, or the outfit you wear for an Instagram photo.

You can also create different atmospheres depending on the chosen plaid. Here are different types of decoration to do with plaids:

  • Scandinavian style decoration: for a Nordic atmosphere, these blankets, thanks to their appearance, will bring a touch reminiscent of the countries of Northern Europe.
Scandinavian plaid
  • Romantic decoration: to bring romance to your room before a date for example, you can add a simple plaid on your bed. For colors, opt for shades of red, pink or a white plaid with hearts as patterns.
  • Animal decor: match your faux fur throws to your various fur jackets or with animal-patterned wallpaper. Even if fur or savannah are no longer trendy today, nothing prevents you from opting for a vintage decor. You can complete the decor with a plaid sweater with an animal pattern.
  • Vintage decoration: use plaid blankets or blankets with patterns in the style of 70s wallpaper. Opt for fairly thick blankets.

bedspread plaid

How do I place my blanket on my bed?

There are different ways to arrange a blanket on a bed.

  • If you have a large enough blanket , fold it in half and place it at the foot of your bed. This will give your bed/room a tidy and orderly look.
  • You can also spread it out and put it in a diamond shape on your bed: one corner under the pillow and the other at the foot of the bed.
  • If you want a more relaxed atmosphere, you can simply place your blanket on the corner of the bed or just spread it out on it.
  • You can also use your blanket as a cushion by folding it on itself.

A bed foot blanket

To keep your feet warm, a blanket as a footboard is ideal.

In addition, it will add a certain weight and will also allow you to tuck your bed in properly while adding softness to your environment.

What size for a cocooning bedspread?

The size of a bedspread must be considered.

Too wide: it can drag on the ground.

Too short: interest is limited.

Here are a few steps to follow to avoid making mistakes:

  • Measuring your bed
  • Add 20 centimeters of width
  • Finding a bedspread that will fit in size
  • If you can't find a blanket with the exact dimensions, take the model with a slightly larger size.


  • Natache Pelletier

    Bonjour Marie-Claude,

    La coordination des couleurs et des matières dans une chambre peut créer une atmosphère harmonieuse et élégante. Le choix de faire correspondre le plaid de pied de lit avec les rideaux dépend de vos préférences personnelles et du style que vous souhaitez donner à la pièce.

    Si vous aimez un look cohérent et uni, choisir un plaid de la même couleur et matière que les rideaux peut être une excellente idée. Cela crée un sentiment d’unité et de fluidité dans la décoration de la chambre.

    Cependant, si vous préférez un style plus dynamique ou éclectique, vous pouvez opter pour des couleurs ou des matières contrastantes. Par exemple, un plaid dans une couleur complémentaire ou un motif intéressant peut ajouter du caractère et de la profondeur à votre espace.

    L’important est de choisir ce qui vous plaît et ce qui correspond à votre style personnel. N’hésitez pas à expérimenter avec différentes combinaisons pour trouver celle qui vous convient le mieux.

    Bonne décoration !

  • Anger


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